Sunday, September 6, 2009


Life is not lost by dying;

life is lost minute by minute,

day by dragging day,

in all the thousand small uncaring ways.

Stephen Vincent Benet

Lord make us mindful of the little things

that grow and blossom in these days

to make the world beautiful for us.

W. E. DuBois


Heart2Heart said...

This is so true that if we don't realize how short life really is, we won't really begin to live our lives! It's not about adding years to our lives, but adding life to our years.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

L. D. said...

Thanks, I needed to hear that. I am ill, a cold or something, with no energy. I work hard and don't know how to just sit, but that is what I am doing. Each moment is special, even if it means I have to be quiet and rest.

Mrs. E said...

I teach Stephen Vincent Benet to my sophomores. Can't wait to share yuur quote!!

Mrs. E said...

And the way I spelled your, you're wondering if I should be teaching at all!! argh!

Darla said...

Oh sweet!

Unknown said...

it's certinly a beautiful world if we'd only take time to enjoy the beauty.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Good morning ~ It's the first day of the weekend and I hope you all have a great one.

Kat ~ You are right. Life is shorter than we think. Each day is a gift, may we see and enjoy the beauty and blessings in each one.

L.D.~ Sorry to hear you are still ill. Just take each day as it comes, resting in God's tender, loving care. Sometimes we are forced to 'stop' for awhile to ponder life and all its meanings. Hope you are soon well and up and doing your projects once again.

Mrs. E. ~ I need to look up more of his writings. We all make spelling mistakes. :-)

Darla ~ Glad you liked.

Keats Sunshine Girl ~ Yes, taking the time is part of the world problem. Everyone is in too big of a hurry all the time.

Thanks everyone for you comments.
