Sunday, June 27, 2010

Grace Gem for today

"Look unto Me!" Isaiah 45:22

A new morning opens upon us--and we are still exposed . . .
to sorrow,
to Satan, and
to disappointment!
Sin lives in us--and a thousand things are ready to distress us!

But our God says, "Look unto Me!"

Look unto Me . . .
as the source of happiness,
as the giver of grace,
as your Friend!

Look unto Me . . .
in every trial,
for all you need, and
in every circumstance.

Look unto Me TODAY, I have blessings to bestow! I am waiting to be gracious to you!

Believe that I am deeply interested in your present and eternal welfare!

Believe that I will perform--all I have promised!

Believe that I am with you--on purpose to bless you!

I cannot be unconcerned about anything that affects you!

I pledge Myself to make all things work together for your eternal good.

You have looked to SELF, and to others, in times past--

and you have only met with trouble and disappointment!

Now look unto Me ALONE!

Look unto Me FOR ALL!

by James Smith


Look unto me,
and be ye saved,
all the ends of the earth:
for I am God,
and there is none else.
Isaiah 45:22


Sandy said...

These are truly words of the
greatest truth by which we
live. He is our all in all,
our everything. When we do
look to Him we shall be
Richest Blessings,

Sandra said...

Most of the time I look to myself or others for help, but God is THE only one who can truly help in our time of need.

L. D. said...

I am teaching on the passion for God in SS today. It is so true that when self is there more strongly than anything else that the true relationship with God is lacking. Great blog.

Antique ART Garden said...

Yes sweet flowerlady, looking up instead of in, looking up instead of down , looking up instead of all around. Focus on God . thanks ! Gina

Morning's Minion said...

You have some lovely and comforting thoughts gathered on this page.
Thank You!