Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I the Lord …


I read a delightful little book found at the library called,

The Penny Whistle by B.J. Hoff. It is a book about hope.

Below is a little portion that touched my heart.


“The music of life is within you.

Not in the world,

not in circumstances or external things . . .

and not in an instrument.

You are the instrument,

and I am the music.

Whatever road you walk in this life,

it is because I have set your feet upon it.

Whatever road you walk in this life,

it is because I have set your feet upon it. 

Whatever trials you encounter,

whatever struggles you endure, 

your joys, your sorrows . . .

these, too, are My will.

I would have you,

through the life you live with Me,

show that the music of life is within,

not without . . .

that it comes from Me.

I am your Hope . . .

your Strength . . .

your Song. 

I, the Lord, am your Music.




thefisherlady said...

Flowerlady Lorraine (my second name is Lorraine)
This absolutely spoke to my heart~ welled up inside as a truth to take and keep hold of~ thank you dear one. God be praised!

Unknown said...

What an awesome post. This is my first time visiting your blog but I'll be back. Have an awesome day.