Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Girl Scout Was Here

To read this wonderful, little heart-warming story click on this link

The story is by Billy Coffey.

Something to ponder for all of us,

to be loving in deed, not just words.


Dani said...

Thank you so much for your kind words on my embroidery! I just started a few months ago and I'm totally addicted now. ;)

Darcie said...

Wow what a sweet much wisdom can be gained from our children!

So easy to SAY...much harder to DO! Thanks for sharing!

LeSan said...

The words are just noise without the action. :-)

Mrs. E said...

"I'm loving you." And that is what we all should be doing! Beautiful!

Rebecca said...

Your quotations are calming and thought-worthy in my opinion. I really am curious to know more about your "compound" that includes your 50's cottage, workship, other outbuildings and gardens." It sounds so very intriguing! I'll spend more time on your blogs to see if I can find some pictures inside and/or out.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Good morning Folks.

Dani ~ For just starting a few months ago, you are doing wonderfully. It is addicting.

Darcie ~ That was a sweet story, and as the saying goes, 'out of the mouths of babes'. They haven't yet been sullied by life, they still see the pureness and truth that we as adults sometimes lose a grasp on.

LeSan ~ Oh so true.

Mrs. E ~ Oh that we could, 100% of the time.

Rebecca ~ You'll find a few pictures of our place. It is still a work in progress.

Thanks again everyone for your kind comments.

Have a great day ~ FlowerLady